The Magic Is In the Work

Week 8: Back

ยท Yours truly

Broke the streak

Well, sadly I broke the weekly blog streak, I missed last week. I completely forgot about it and by the time I realised it I was already in bed, with no willpower to get up and write the blog. Not very disciplined of me but the most important thing is to get up when you trip and fall.


So for a while I wanted to try out freelancing alongside my full time job. I always knew I wouldn’t like to do it long term, but now that I’ve been doing just that for the past month, I’ve fully confirmed that’s not what I want. I don’t regret it at all, however. It’s been a great experience in a few ways. The best thing is that now it’s clear to me what I want to do next.

But why did I want to do freelancing on the side in the first place? The reason why is it’s because it seems like an easier and faster way to make more money, and as a guy in his early twenties who still lives with his parents and wants to move out, extra money is always welcome. However, it really doesn’t align with my future plans and goals.

So, what is the alternative then? For a long while now, probably 7-8 years, I wanted to have my own business, some sort of my own platform. For example, I’m working for clients who do just that. They have their own business, their own service they’re charging money for, their own team, etc… That’s exactly what I want too. I want to be in their shoes. Like this I feel like I’m grinding away for someone else’s dream, just so that person can make even more money. But that’s the nature of this type of work. A client pays you to do a thing, you do it and that’s it. They wont give you half of their business just because you built them a little website. It’s not even about being stressed or not having much of a life besides working, but if I’m going to live like that, I might as well do it for my own goals, my own mission, my own dream. Not someone else’s.


Moving out is creating a bit of a dilemma. I want to get my own flat, but it doesn’t take a genius to conclude that’s not cheap. So now I’m unsure whether to continue freelancing and make more money in the shorter term, maybe 1-2 years, then get started on my actual long term goals? Who knows. After consulting a bit with Claude, I’m still not sure.

Keep the momentum going

Just like last year, this year started off strong. Last year in January I got my first job, this year in January I got a client. However, the rest of the year I was stagnating and ended up being pretty dissatisfied. So, I need to make use of this momentum and keep on going, as I’m very afraid of stagnating again.