Week 4: An Unexpected Surprise
What’s the surprise?
First off, I really don’t feel like writing the blog post (again), but I’d hate myself if I didn’t write it, so here we are. Anyways, this week I got a client, which was unexpected (that’s the surprise).
Bigger workload
Well, I got what I wanted. I always wanted a client on the side along with my full time job. I’ve only been working on it for a few days, since Thursday, but I’m working on the weekends too. It’s for sure going to be a good challenge. Now I essentially have two full time jobs. The biggest reason I accepted this is because it’s not a super long project, we’re expecting to get it production ready in 3 months (hopefully, you know how good web developers are at estimating things).
Shaken up routine
I went to the gym only once this week, not because I was lazy, but because we’re grinding out this project so we get get it out the door quickly. This means my days are less flexible now, so my usual routine has changed. Now my can be summed up to this: wake up, work, take a few breaks here and there, work, sleep.
I do read and meditate still, I think those will help me keep things balanced for the next few months until the project is finito.
I don’t want to go absolutely all in, by that I mean work 12-16h days, as that would be unsustainable for me, even in the short term. Plus, I’d feel so tired my hours would be less efficient. Better to have less efficient hours, than more inefficient hours. That’s why I prioritise breaks and sleep.
Last week I said I’d be reading the ReWork book and taking notes during work breaks, I completely forgot about that, I’d like to start doing it next week.
Going forward
Going forward, until this project is done, or at least the workload reduces, I’d like to go to the gym at least 2 times per week (dropped it from 3 to 2 to save time), keep meditating once per day and read every day.
I won’t be working on my personal projects for now, due to obvious reasons. Now that I’m thinking about it, this will be a great way to see if I’d even like to do freelancing on the side. Maybe after this project I’ll prioritise more working on my own SaaS or something similar. After all, I don’t see myself doing project work for clients long term anyway. I’d do freelancing in bursts to make more money, then slow down. I wouldn’t like to do it long term, I know that for sure.
I’m excited about this, it’s going to be a great learning experience in many ways.