The Magic Is In the Work

What is this?

This is a blog meant to keep me accountable. This isn’t meant to have a load of readers, it’s just a way for me to write about my journey. If someone sees this and has an impact on them (a positive one, I hope), then that’d be amazing. But if not, who cares.

Here I’ll be writing/journaling about my self-improvement journey every week. I will document the things I learnt, did well, struggled with, how the week went and so on.

I’m not much of a writer, and this feels quite weird for me, but it’s not like anyone’s going to be reading this anyway, so fuck it! (here I’m just practicing the art of just starting with something, regardless of if I’m feeling ready or good enough for it)

Who am I?

I am a random guy in his mid 20s who is looking for a change. A guy who is of the ambitious but lazy type. If you’re like that, you know how much it can eat you up inside when you’ve got all these goals and ambitions, but you just don’t work on them.

Okay, that’s not much information, I’ll tell you just a little bit more. I am also a web developer and a bit of a nerd, as a lot of my goals are regarding my career and projects, a good amount of content will most likely be technical.

That’s about as much information as I can give you, sadly. As I want to keep this blog private I can’t share much revealing information.

What does the name mean?

In one of his podcasts, Chris Williamson said this quote:

“The magic you are seeking is in the work that you’re avoiding”

So I extracted the name from that quote. Why that quote? Well, simply because it resonated with me a lot. I feel like it applies to my situation quite well.